Hasoub is a non-profit organization that paves the way for the next generation of Arab technology entrepreneurs and works to create a more productive Arab society that thrives on innovation and entrepreneurship


Hasoub is a non-profit organization that paves the way for the next generation of Arab technology entrepreneurs and works to create a more productive Arab society that thrives on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Since the outbreak of the current state of emergency, the Hasoub team has identified that university students are going through a severe crisis due to the closure of universities and academic institutions and the charged atmosphere in them, as well as in the workplace and in the public sphere. Because of the war, students’ education was affected by the emergency, as well as financially and mentally. All paths seemed blocked to them, and they felt unable to advance toward their goals and aspirations and, therefore, urgently needed a safe framework.

“We came up with this project as part of our corporate responsibility. We realized that the students needed us at those very moments. We thought about how to change the equation and turn students from victims of an emergency situation into entrepreneurs who find innovative ways to overcome it.

The students found in Hasoub a warm and safe home where they could express their opinions and share their ideas without fear, receive full support, develop, and advance personally and socially. The students saw the project as a lifeline. They felt supported and were able to share their feelings and ideas. The most important thing is that they worked together to develop entrepreneurial projects that solved some problems in Arab society during the emergency. The participation rate in the project was fantastic. This is the first time there has been almost 100% attendance at all meetings. The meeting with the lowest participation rate was, 52 out of 60, which attests to the need for the project and its importance.”


مبلغ التبرع
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مبلغ مضاعفة التبرعات
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المبلغ الكامل
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Thanks to the speed of planning, implementation, and response during the emergency period, Hasoub was able to make the project a success, and also thanks to the support of Mr. Fawaz Athamneh, who was the first to believe in this project and support it financially. Mr. Athamneh’s donation enables getting a matching donation from Qudra.


-Mr. Fawaz Athamneh


– Presenting ideas from the project’s outputs to the emergency coalition in Arab society. Adopting and supporting two entrepreneurial ideas is on the table! Hasoub was able to bring entrepreneurial ideas to life.

– Investing in the skills development of 60 undergraduate students in various fields: identification and problem solving, development of entrepreneurial and unique projects, teamwork, leadership, and many other skills. Developing students’ aspirations is a long-term investment that will result in more professionals, entrepreneurs, and developers at the service of society.


– Networking between students from different universities, as well as with institutions, companies, and civil society organizations in Israel. This is an opportunity and a big step for the success of these students.

بخصوص الحصول على تبرعات إضافية، فتحت مؤسسة قدرة الأفق أمامنا للحصول على تبرعات إضافية من صناديق تبرع عالمية لاستكمال طريقنا نحو الدعم النفسي تمكنا من الحصول على ما يقارب



تبرعات إضافية